Tuesday, December 13, 2011

MS is primarily a disease of inflammation, not neurodegeneration, study shows

**_Traditional understanding has MS start in the white matter of the brain, in other words in the inside layers. A new by Dr. Lucchinetti, posted on the MayoClinic blog purport the opposite:_** The outer layers of the brain would be affected first, then the inner layers. Research was conducted by Richard Ransohoff and Claudia Lucchinetti

_**Inward or outward progression, matters to target drugs in the early stages of the disease. Also important is the confirmation of MS as an inflammatory process

This what Dr Luchinetti says:

"…The primary question was quickly answered: cortical demyelinating lesions of early-MS patients resembled those found at autopsy in every way but one -- the ea_**rly lesions were highly inflammatory**_. These findings were reassuring because they indicated that treatments targeting inflammation in the disease may ameliorate MS effects on both the **cortex** as well as the **white matter..**."

Here is a clear sketch according to  Korbinian Broadmann, an early German neurologist


The Brain's Cortex and White Matter (Harvard)

The Cortex has sensory and motor areas, as the white matter is more involve in transmission of signal [2]

So inflammation would be the source of much of Multiple Sclerosis. As opposed to neurodegeneration like Alzheimer's [1].


[1][ MarketWatch: MayoClinic; Press Release][3] ; "From the Outside In: Mayo Clinic Collaboration Finds Multiple Sclerosis Often Starts in Brain's Outer Layers"

[2] [Wikipedia][4]

[1]: http://www.medinewsdigest.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Brain_Cortex_Harvard-e1323835780229.png (Brain_Cortex_Harvard)
[2]: http://www.medinewsdigest.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Brain_Cortex_Harvard.png
[3]: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/from-the-outside-in-mayo-clinic-collaboration-finds-multiple-sclerosis-often-starts-in-brains-outer-layers-2011-12-07
[4]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_matter

URL: http://www.medinewsdigest.com/?p=3249

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