Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Accessible Radio Broadcasting Lets Blind and Visually Impaired Create Internet Radio Stations

DIY radio broadcasting is enjoying a surge in popularity thanks to a crop of online tools (like Live365) that let radio lovers become DJs. Still, most radio broadcasting platforms are either too complex for the average user, or aren't designed to be accessible for blind and visually impaired people. Today, Spacial Audio introduced SAM Vibe, the latest launch in its family of best-selling products for hobbyist radio broadcasters. SAM VIBE is a cloud broadcasting application that lets broadcasters who are totally blind use a screenreader to upload and play music on their radio station. Low vision users can also participate, using the large fonts and color contrasts built into the package. It's a great platform for kids with or without vision, too, as the interface is super simple.

URL: http://www.disabled-world.com/communication/broadcasts/accessible-broadcasting.php

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